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Episode Description:
Though Naruhaya's shot hits the post, Barou takes possession and scores. Next round, Isagi passes to Nagi as they rush the net, where he scores. Barou shoots from kick-off again but Nagi blocks it; Isagi takes possession but Naruhaya steals it, passing to Barou to score. Isagi realizes that Naruhaya always positions himself in his blind spot, allowing him to get close unnoticed, similar to Rin. Nagi scores again, tying the game. A flashback reveals that Naruhaya's desire to succeed stems from wanting to support his struggling family after their parents' deaths. Barou tries once more to shoot from kick-off but is blocked; emulating Isagi's Direct Shot, Naruhaya shoots but hits the post. Nagi takes possession and Isagi heads to the net, causing Barou to follow him. Seeing Barou change targets, Isagi sprints to the net, emulating Naruhaya's footwork; Nagi passes the ball, and Isagi scores, winning the match. Naruhaya laments his missed shot; Isagi claims either team could have won but Naruhaya declares him the superior player...