Episode Title:Season Four Is Canceled Episode Description:The first episode of season 4 is an all-animated adventure! After crowning Jay Brosnan season 3 Grand Champion, Ruff has just received some terrible news... he's been FIRED by the new wealthy Australian owner of the TV network, Harriet Hackensack (who just happens to hate dogs!) So Ruff embarks on an epic journey (in a cooking oil-powered aquatic doghouse shaped like a chicken) to get his job back! Along the way he enlists the help of his family and friends, including Uncle MacRuffmantosh, his brother Scruff, Grandma Ruffman, the dreaded ghost pirate Black Muzzle, nephew Glen, and, of course, his trusty Studio G sidekicks, Blossom (who tries to tell Ruff he wasn't really fired, it was just a prank), Chet, and Gerry Geranium.