Episode Title:Foxy Mumma.Episode Description: Someone is turning everything inside out at the campsite - obviously looking for food. This time, however, the goblins are not to blame. On the contrary: their own feeding hole is also robbed. With their fine nose, however, our goblins are quick to track down the culprit. It is a fox, or rather a mother fox, who has to feed her two cubs. Lamprey's, Firehead's, and Siebenpunkt's anger at the theft of supplies is quickly replaced by her benevolent heart. They wish the little foxes only the best! But someone certainly doesn't have anything good in mind: a hunter who has a sharp dog with him and who, in the name of the Mayoress, is supposed to clear the forest of all those who make the campsite look like a garbage dump. In the long run, this man will not only become a danger to the foxes and the goblins, but also to Mia, who wanders through the forest in search of lamprey and runs straight towards traps that the hunter has laid out at every nook and corner.