Episode Title:Dishonour among thieves.Episode Description: During the scorching hot summer, the river dries up almost completely. Siebenpunkt therefore tries to find fresh water with a dowsing rod. But the less he succeeds, the more the goblins' nerves are on edge. In the end Firehead is so angry about the completely pointless search that he breaks the friendship with Sevenpoint and Lamprey and tries to find water on his own. Unfortunately, he runs straight into the hands of the white man and his thieving accomplices. But they suffer from the drought just like the goblins and believe, stupid as they are, that Firehead knows about a secret water source. The white man now wants to elicit the secret of this source from his puzzled prisoner by any means necessary. At this point, he has no idea that his closest cronies, Grobklotz and Rottenzahn, are ready to betray their leader, nor does he know that Siebenpunkt and Lamprey are by no means abandoning their hothead - even though they may have argued or not.