Episode Title:Too Much Vacation - Trouble with Grown Ups.Episode Description:Too Much Vacation
The Bear family is going on a mountaintop vacation for an entire week. Papa hopes for it to be the best vacation ever. During the week, nothing goes right for Papa. His fishing hook gets caught in the weeds, the boat sinks, the Bears pick sour berries, and their cabin gets flooded during a rainstorm at night. Papa gets frustrated when their vacation is turning into the worst one ever and wants to leave ASAP! Mama and the cubs show Papa pictures they took of him when nothing went right for him, and they show him how to look at things in a different way. Papa realizes that he had been looking at everything on the dark side all along, and the Bears' vacation goes from the worst to the best.
Trouble with Grown-Ups
Tentions rise in the Bear family household when Mama and Papa blame Brother and Sister for little things. Discouraged, Brother and Sister seek help from Cousin Fred and Lizzie Bruin and put on a play to show their parents how hard it is being cubs. But when Brother and Sister find their parents dressed up and acting like them, they learn just how hard it is to be a parent. They all learn the hard way that patience is the key to deal with the stresses of everyday life.