Episode Title:Snow Way Down / Snow Way Out.Episode Description:Snow Way Down: Lincoln joins Clyde and his dads on their winter vacation to their winter lodge. Lincoln sees how Howard and Harold can be overprotective when it comes to winter activities and other things. Even though Clyde wants them to let go, they still want to make sure. In order to prove himself to his dads, Clyde plans to go down the condemned Ramp of Insanity.
Snow Way Out: While Lynn Sr. and Rita are away, racing champion Bobbie Fletcher (Karsyn Elledge) is holding a contest at the Burpin' Burger where the person who finds the burger wrapper that has a tire mark on it becomes an honorary member of her pit crew. Lana takes advantage of the contest and competes with Flip. The Loud siblings soon end up trapped inside during a snowstorm and it is up to Lana to get them out.