Episode Title:Jumping on the Moon - Sneezy Riders.Episode Description:Jumping on the Moon: Nick and Sally are trying to jump high enough to touch the moon, but “what goes up must come down” says the Cat. That’s gravity! And to show them just what gravity is, that means a trip to the moon! That’s where they meet Astronaut Audrey who takes them for a space walk to learn all about gravity.
Sneezy Riders: Sally and Nick are playing hide and seek, but Nick keeps sneezing! How can they stop it from happening? Good thing Cat’s friend Cluey Looey will be able to help them! At Muddyfeet Waterhole they discover that Louie is having the same problem! Nothing a trip inside Louie’s nose can’t solve! Inside a super shrunken Thingamajigger, Nick, Sally and Cat discover a dog hair which causes sneezing and what they can do to avoid it from happening!