Episode Title:Rolling Nestor Gathers No Moss / Mini Quest.Episode Description:Rolling Nestor Gathers No Moss: In the forest of the Unforgiven, Anna Maht tries to bring a tree to life to ask for directions. It's a mirror tree so the spell bounces off the tree, reverses, and turns Nestor into stone. Quest takes the opportunity to quit the adventure, leaving Gatling in charge. Quest and Graer end up in the carnival-like town of Deludium. Quest finds Doctor Demise (a frog-like guy who runs a kennel) who is holding his dog. Quest realizes he misses Nestor and the crew. Meanwhile, Gatling finds the Water of Better, which partially frees Nestor, until Albert drinks the rest. Spite and Ogun show up and kidnap Nestor and the crew to castle Mollux. From their prison cell, the crew feeds Albert a bunch of onions so he cries out the Water of Better and frees Nestor. Quest and Graer go to Spite's castle and release Lucky, the dog, who eats all of Spite's growls and grinders.
Mini Quest: We find the crew battling with a horde of Lipsuckers. During the battle, Quest falls into the Lake of Little and shrinks down to only 5 inches tall. Spite learns of this and unleashes the Super Hopasaurus Rex. The crew goes looking for the Orb of the Conquerors to restore Quest to full size. The Hopasaurus finds them but they escape. They meet the keeper of the Orb who challenges them to a quiz which turns out to be ridiculously easy, except 1 extremely hard one, whom Graer gets it right. The Hopasaurus finds them again and swallows the Orb. Quest jumps into its mouth and chases the Orb down to its stomach. Quest gets the Orb and wishes to be big, but nothing happens. Quest breaks the Orb like an egg, releasing some gas which makes him grow large. He emerges in the Hopasaurus' baby pocket, so the creature loves him as if he were its baby.