Episode Title:A World Without WordGirl.Episode Description:Part 1: Today is Becky's birthday, and her parents have planned her "the greatest party EVER!" Becky is extremely excited and antsy to start partying. What's first in store is an enormous Pretty Princess bouncy castle, which Becky wants to jump in right away. However, she picks up with her super hearing a robbery at a sandwich shop. Bob hears it too, and reminds her of her obligation to protect the city. Reluctantly, Becky transforms into WordGirl and flies to the shop, where she finds Chuck robbing it. Chuck says that he wants people to eat only sandwiches made by him, and doesn't want anyone else to make them. After some complaining from both people and a definition of "antsy", WordGirl ties up Chuck and tells the shop owner to keep an eye on him until the police arrive.
Part 2: After a brief summary about the previous episode, Becky is still trying to figure out about the changes in the city. She starts by asking her parents what they put in the cake, and after getting no helpful response, she looks at the empty cake mix box. Confused by the "Warning: If electrified, cake may become enchanted" label, she finally realizes that this was probably a birthday joke, "getting Chuck to pretend he's the king of the city". Seeing her parents confused by her remark, Becky realizes that it's not a joke, and the cake really was enchanted. Wanting to investigate, she makes an excuse to leave with Bob. She sees that all the shops are sandwich shops and that there are statues of Chuck everywhere. One suddenly makes an announcement that "it's time for Sandwich Talk", and hearing this, a couple of citizens start replacing certain words with sandwich-related words, such as "I really mayonnaise your coat" or "It was a bargain at mustard dollars and ketchupy-ketchup cents". Peeved by such nonsense, Becky stands up to correct them.