Episode Title:The Fall.Episode Description:After the village of Suburbington is destroyed, Axl manages to escape from the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction's bowels through the digestive system, much to his discomfort. The Nexo Knights then proceed to the Knigton library, where Merlok 2.0 is transferred to and Robin's "Secret Secret Project" is completed and revealed to be an escape rocket. Macy, Lance, Aaron and Axl are dropped onto the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction's head, but their attempts at weakening the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction prove futile until Merlok 2.0 (whose consciousness was downloaded into a robotic body dubbed "Mechlok") and Clay join the battle. Clay uses his magic to create a combo power that turns the Colossus into glass and he technopathically manipulates the Fortrex to strike the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction in the heel, resulting in the entire Colossus crumbling to pieces, killing Monstrox, petrifying the entire Stone Monster Army, and returning Jestro to his normal form. The Nexo Knights celebrate at Knighton Castle and Clay becomes determined to find his mother. Meanwhile, Jestro and Roberto are cleaning up the remains of the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction. Having avoided petrification, Ruina manages to steal one lone glowing fragment of the Colossus of Ultimate Destruction for her upcoming plans.