Episode Title:PJ Robot / PJ Power Up.Episode Description:PJ Robot: Romeo creates a little robot that he controls with remote control. The PJ Masks meet and befriend the little robot but then they find out that Romeo wants them to take him to their HQ so he can destroy it. The PJ Masks get the remote control away from Romeo and take the little robot back to their HQ just like Romeo planned. The little robot gets to know The PJ Masks and decides to be a hero, Meanwhile, Romeo makes a TREMENDOUS remote control that he claims can control the little robot. Owlette and Catboy eavesdrop this and decide to face Romeo head-on. They get Gekko and the little robot, who Gekko has dubbed PJ robot and the remote that they took from Romeo. When they find Romeo they find out that the remote that they saw Romeo building is a trap. They end up trapping themselves. Romeo grabs the PJ robot. But PJ Robot doesn't want to just be someone's hand puppet anymore and escapes Romeo's grasp and saves the PJ Masks and in doing so becomes the newest PJ Mask.
PJ Power Up: During the day Connor, Greg and Amaya were watching PJ Robot in HQ and talking about how great addition to their team he is, and then they spot a sticky splatted streetlight. That night they go to their HQ where PJ Robot has been hard at work, trying his best to be helpful from creating a means of communication to cleaning up the Cat-Car to trying to make a few modifications to the PJ Picture Player. But none of them are needed by The PJ Masks. They jump into the Owl-Glider and go to stop Night Ninja who is teaching the Ninjalinos how to make stuff levitate with an ancient Ninja art called "Ninja Fingers" and they start battling Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos, which is right about the time PJ Robot starts messing with the PJ Picture Player and finds a huge crystal statue of an Owl, a Cat, and a lizard. While calling Owlette he accidentally uses the statue to blind her, causing the Ninjalinos to take her, Catboy and Gekko's powers, as they (the PJs) turn back into Amaya, Connor, and Greg, respectively. Without their powers they were no match for Night Ninja and the Ninjalinos, the latter of which has already left after they took their powers, so they ran away from Night Ninja to their HQ but without the crystal, in its place, there is no power whatsoever so they couldn't get into their HQ. They get pretty nasty towards PJ robot once they get to HQ but then they apologize to him shortly after. Then PJ robot used his energy to power the HQ so Connor, Greg, and Amaya can get in. And then they realize that PJ robot gave up most of his energy to let them in. Then they move the statue, which they have some sort of connection to, (they say that their arms start tingling,) to its proper place. Then they become Catboy, Gekko, and Owlette, and jump into the Cat-Car. They go to stop Night Ninja and find that they all have new powers. They stop Night Ninja with their new powers and save the day.