Episode Title:Catboy Takes Control / Owlette's Two Wrongs.Episode Description:Catboy Takes Control: By day, Connor, Greg, and Amaya were finished building their new remote control helicopter. But when Connor tried to fly it, he noticed that all the inside parts were stolen. By night, the PJ Masks find out that Romeo has taken the parts for his new remote that controls people to do whatever Romeo wants. Then, Romeo zaps Owlette because he wants Owlette to steal more remote controls. Gekko has a plan, but Catboy says that he's "in control", so he came up with a plan that Gekko can't do very well: jumping. Later, Romeo finishes a bigger remote that can control 3 people at once: The Radical Romeo Remote. Catboy now understands that being controlled is a bad thing.
Owlette's Two Wrongs: By day, Connor, Greg, and Amaya were at the museum showing their art projects. When they saw that Amaya's Flossy Flash sculpture is broken, that made Amaya really sad, but she will get revenge. By night, Night Ninja and his Ninjalinos are at the museum with the stolen art, and a giant statue of Night Ninja. The PJ Masks work to stop Night Ninja from destroying the museum when they broke the hand of Night Ninja's statue. Night Ninja got so mad at Owlette. Now Owlette knows that revenge doesn't solve anything. The next day, Amaya uses some of Night Ninja's Sticky Splats to fix her Flossy Flash sculpture.