Episode Title:Catboy's Flying Fiasco / Gekko's Stay At Home Sneezes.Episode Description:Catboy's Flying Fiasco: By day, Connor was flying his toy helicopter, when Greg tells him about the Hot Air Balloon ride that he and Amaya are going to. Then, Connor trips over a giant present. He finds a new scooter inside the box that was "sent" by his Great Aunt, Cynthia. Greg notices that Connor's new scooter looks familiar. Then, Connor, Greg, and Amaya were going to the Hot Air Balloon ride, when they notice that the rope was cut. By night, the PJ Masks find out that Luna Girl took the Hot Air Balloon so she can turn it into her very own "Moony Balloon". Catboy asks Luna Girl for the Hot Air Balloon back, but then Luna Girl controls Catboy's scooter with her Luna Magnet. Gekko finally notices what Catboy's scooter really is: A Disguised Luna Board! The Moon-Y Balloon finally flies away when Catboy cuts the rope with the Luna Board. Gekko catches up with the Moon-Y Balloon, but then he has his own flying problem.
Gekko's Stay At Home Sneezes: By day, Connor, Greg and Amaya start to get the first issue of the Flossy Flash comic. Amaya and Connor notice that Greg has some serious sneezes, and tells him to stay inside until he gets better. Then, they found out that the comic was stolen. But Greg wants to help, and states that a sneeze won't stop Gekko. At night, Catboy says that now that he's Gekko, he got "super sneezes". Gekko always goes out of HQ to warn Catboy and Owlette about Luna Girl ignoring his super sneezes, but Catboy and Owlette are telling him to stay inside. Luna Girl states that she will take over PJ Masks HQ with Gekko out to warn Catboy and Owlette.