Episode Title:Catboy's Butterfly Brigade / Owlette the Winner.Episode Description:Catboy's Butterfly Brigade: "Zoo Day" is today! Connor wants to see the lions and tigers, but Greg and Amaya want to see the butterfly gardens instead. Greg and Amaya think that Connor is acting really rough. Then they see that the zoo visitors are leaving the butterfly gardens because the butterflies are gone. By night, the PJ Masks try to get the butterflies back home to the zoo. Owlette uses gentle wind gusts and Gekko beckons them by changing colors. Catboy makes the butterflies whimper by grabbing them in a net at "Super Cat Speed", which makes his teammates mad. Owlette says he's making them miserable, but then Gekko finds out that Luna Girl is using the stripped butterflies as her new "sidekicks" to substitute her moths.
Owlette the Winner: By day, Connor and Amaya were playing basketball against Cameron's two teammates. Greg is the scorekeeper, and Cameron is the referee. Connor tries to score, but the other team blocked the ball to Amaya. Amaya started running with the ball, but then she makes a backwards shot from the far side of the court. "Amaya's Team" wins! Cameron noticed that his whistle went missing after Amaya scored. By night, the PJ Masks noticed that Luna Girl took the whistle for her two moth teams to get every toy in the toy shop. But Owlette makes the mission harder by making everything into a competition.