Episode Title:Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos / Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble.Episode Description:Gekko and the Super Ninjalinos: By day, Connor, Greg, and Amaya get ready to go to the playground for Sports Day. Greg wants to be powerful in the daytime. But when they went to the park, they discovered that the sports facilities were stolen. At night, Night Ninja had stolen the sports equipment to make his Ninjalinos super active. Gekko wants to get the material by himself. Catboy and Owlette tried to support, but Gekko wants to demonstrate that he's super strong by defeating the Ninjalinos and getting the sports equipment by himself.
Owlette's Terrible Pterodactyl Trouble: By day, the gang visits the museum to see the dinosaur exhibits. Connor scared Amaya with a T-Rex cutout. Amaya was very mad at him. Connor told Amaya that he was trying to be funny, but Amaya didn't think it was funny. Then Greg notices the pterodactyl figure was missing. By night, it was Romeo who stole it and made it fly. Catboy tries to get Owlette to accept his apology, but Owlette remains adamant that scaring her at the museum was mean, and not funny. Owlette proceeds to be hard on Catboy, but she only makes the mission harder.