Episode Title:The Scent of Tea No Longer Fills That Room.Episode Description:Hachiman decides to confide in his sister Komachi Hikigaya about the recent events and she gives him some words of encouragement before requesting that he find a way to keep both Yukino and Yui in the Service Club. The next afternoon, Hachiman meets with Yoshiteru Zaimokuza, Saika Totsuka, Saki Kawasaki and Komachi to brainstorm ideas for handling the student council election. They help Hachiman realize that his initial censure motion proposal was wrong since it would have damaged the only thing that Isshiki cares about, her self-image. Hachiman then has Saki draw up a list of potential candidates and further has Yoshiteru use the names to create an anonymous social media campaign. The following day, Hachiman manages to convince Isshiki into accepting the presidential position by using a combination of the social media statistics and clever reverse psychology to highlight its perks. Hachiman later presents the statistics to Yui and Yukino but does not tell them about how he falsely mined the data, using it only as a means to convince the pair that they need not run anymore since Isshiki would win. Yui then thanks Hachiman with a small understanding for his method. Isshiki eventually wins the election by default due to having no competition as it originally was and life moves on once again.