Episode Title:A Goblin Shall Lead Them.Episode Description:Shobu and his friends are invited to the training center. Once there, Shobu runs straight into the Master's arms in search of Hakuoh. He wants Shobu to come to the temple to enjoy his education. Of course, Knight doesn't think this is a good idea and tries to dissuade Shobu. But even his friends are powerless against Shobu's stubbornness. The next day, Shobu secretly makes his way to the temple. But the joy is short-lived as he is being pursued by his friends. He tries to lose her, but only succeeds miserably. Together, the small troop sets out for the temple. At the temple, they encounter a guard named Fritz. A grumpy little fellow who won't let Shobu in until he answers three questions. In a collaborative effort (which Shobu doesn't like since he wants to do it alone), Shobu completes this task with the help of his friends, and he is allowed to grant. However, Rekuta, Sayuki and Mimi have to stay behind. In the temple, Fritz explains Shobu about the temple rules. He needs to acquire 50 coins to compete against Hakuoh. After every game you win you get a coin and if you lose you have to give one away. If you lose all the coins, you have to leave the temple. When Sayuki, Rekuta and Mimi make their way back home, the first worries begin. Mimi is afraid that something might happen to Shobu. She secretly hatches a plan to sneak into the temple and free Shob