Episode Title:The Emperor and the Hanged Man, Part 2.Episode Description:J. Geil provokes Polnareff into attacking his Hanged Man within a glass window, using the broken shards of glass to pin him down, but Kakyoin convinces Polnareff to escape in a car. After realizing that the Hanged Man is in the car, they crash the vehicle. They realize that the Hanged Man is actually a Stand of light that jumps between reflective surfaces. The Hanged Man jumps into the reflection of the eyes of a young boy and then nearby beggars, trapping Polnareff and Kakyoin within the group of beggars. Kakyoin flips a shiny gold coin in the air, bringing everyone's gaze, along with the Hanged Man, towards it, allowing Silver Chariot to defeat the Hanged Man and kill J. Geil. When Hol Horse realizes that J. Geil is dead, he tries to flee, but is caught by Jotaro and Joseph, whom Joseph says have just buried Avdol. Polnareff prepares to kill Hol Horse but is stopped by Hol Horse's lover Nena, allowing Hol Horse to escape. After treating Nena's wounds, Joseph urges the group to continue their journey towards Egypt, unaware that a drop of Nena's blood has caused a mysterious growth to appear on his arm.