Episode Title:The Beautiful and Damned.Episode Description:UFE forces gather in Earth's orbit at Trident Base, built into an asteroid, as they prepare for a large-scale operation against another asteroid base called Marineros, which is occupied by Vers. Meanwhile, Saazbaum rallies his own forces for a quick strike on Trident as they travel to Marineros Base. Slaine finds out that Lemrina has forcibly shut down the Tharsis' Aldnoah Drive, and tries to reason with her to get it running again. Eventually, Slaine is able to get her to restart the Tharsis, with Lemrina kissing Slaine before leaving. As Lemrina visits her still-unconscious sister and schemes to take her position, the Martian forces begin their assault while UFE troops dig in on nearby asteroids, and both sides soon begin to trade long-range shots. However, the complex gravitational fields in the asteroid-filled zone causes long-range fire from UFE and Vers guns alike to be inaccurate and most do not hit intended enemy targets. Inaho makes use of his new cybernetic eye to accurately shoot down several enemies using a complex simulation of the gravitational fields in the area, but Slaine uses the precognitive abilities of Tharsis to observe the trajectories of the shells being fired at him, and is able to dodge at the last second. Both Inaho and Slaine express surprise, with Inaho quickly deducting that Slaine had dodged his shots by predicting the path of the shells, and Slaine confused that Inaho's shots had been pin-point accurate in the complicated gravitational flux. Soon after, Slaine identifies Inaho in his distinct orange-coloured "Sleipnir" Kataphrakt, and vice versa from UFE intel of Tharsis' pilot. The Martian forces leave the firing range of UFE troops, and both Inaho and Slaine are able to confirm that the other is alive.