Episode Title:Tempest.Episode Description:After hearing that Ema is in danger, León goes to find her while she recklessly pursues the Horror that once was her husband and fellow Makai Priest, Luciano Guzmán. León finds them in the midst of a battle in which Ema is badly wounded, but survives. Later she tells León how Luciano became a Horror after his frustration at not being able to protect people and became obsessed with searching for a way to turn Horrors back into humans. Her misfortune was compounded by her imprisonment by the Makai Knights of the Watchdog Center who dismissed her ability to defeat Luciano. León then helps Ema set a trap for Luciano and when Luciano returns she attacks him. After a fierce battle Luciano appears to defeat Ema and prepares to eat her, but she turns the tables and kills him. Later, as León treats Ema’s wounds, her earlier disdain for him turns to affection.