Episode Title:Rebel Assault.Episode Description:Hera and her assault team arrive at Lothal and begin to battle their way past the Imperial blockade, while the Ghost crew on the ground sabotage the anti-aircraft batteries to allow an unhindered attack on the TIE factory at Lothal's capital. However, with Thrawn coordinating the Imperial defenses, the Rebel attack force is annihilated, with only a few survivors – Hera, Chopper and pilot Mart Mattin – managing to reach the surface and regroup safely. As Hera's group attempts to slip out of the city under constant assailing by Rukh, Kanan returns to the capital to look for her, only to be stopped by the Loth-Wolf, and he asks it what he should do. Hera manages to open an escape route, but is captured by Rukh before she can use it. Mart and Chopper are then picked up by Kanan and brought to the rebels' hideout as the Loth-Wolf watches.