Episode Title:Through Imperial Eyes.Episode Description:An Imperial light cruiser over Lothal intercepts a shuttle fleeing the planet. On board are Ezra Bridger (disguised as a bounty hunter) and the droids Chopper and AP-5. Ezra tells Agent Kallus that the Rebels believe the Empire has intercepted his last transmission as Fulcrum, and they have come to help him defect if his cover is blown. Grand Admiral Thrawn arrives in his Star Destroyer Chimaera, and informs the officers on board that he has asked Colonel Yularen of the ISB to locate the Rebel spy in their midst. Kallus swaps his code cylinder with that of Lieutenant Lyste, and uses Lyste's credentials to free Ezra and infiltrate Thrawn's office, where the droids erase Atollon from Thrawn's database and transmit clearance codes for Kanan and Rex to rescue them. Lyste, believing Governor Pryce to be the traitor, stuns her as she tries to stop the rebels from leaving, and he is arrested as the spy. With Lyste believed to be Fulcrum, Kallus decides to remain with the Empire—although in conversation with Yularen, Thrawn reveals that he knows Kallus is the spy, and intends to use him to their advantage.