Episode Title:A Gift from Tony.Episode Description:Hikaru and Pepper secure the DISKs that the team has obtained so far while everyone else is at their own activity. Jessica spends time trying on new clothes at a fashion shop, Ed spends time showing off his knowledge at a superhero memorabilia store, and Chris spends time sampling Japanese cuisine at a restaurant. Iron Man, attempting to build a new invention, directs Akira on what to do step-by-step, but ends up driving both him and Pepper crazy in the process. Eventually, Iron Man decides to compensate for this by building Akira a pair of jet-powered roller skates called Booster Skates. While testing them out outdoors, Akira and Iron Man find out the hard way that the Booster Skates have a bug in them that won't allow them to brake. Interrupting a brother-based conversation between Hikaru and Thor, Akira and his Booster Skates go out of control, and even Thor can't catch him due to an auto-evade feature Stark put in. Plus, Akira's biocode has yet to recharge. Pepper tries to call everyone else for help, but no one else answers. Eventually, Thor breaks the ground right in front of a dead end, launching him into the air for the catching, but his time limit expires. Hikaru catches Akira's arm, nearly dragging the both of them down. Akira's biocode finishes recharging at the nick of time, and Iron Man catches them. With everyone heading back home and later to bed, Iron Man and Pepper finish the big invention from earlier in the day: the D-System, which can locate DISKs when they pop back into the world's dimension.