Episode Title:Everything Breaks / The Show That Dare Not Speak Its Name.Episode Description:Everything Breaks: As Billy behaves more reckless than ever and cannot stop breaking everything in sight, Mandy thinks he should go some place where he can release all his urge to destroy until he gets tired of it. Mandy, Grim, and Irwin go to Level 9, home of the fearsome warrior Lord Pain, to convince him to take Billy. Billy receives psychological treatment and it is revealed that his desire to destroy stems from lack of attention when he was younger. Lord Pain abducts him, and together they start destroying everything in Level 9, which seems to be is uninhabited. Billy is still not satisfied, so he and Lord Pain return to Endsville and carry on breaking everything.
The Show That Dare Not Speak Its Name: When Grim leaves the house to meet someone he met on the internet, Billy looks inside Grim's trunk for something to entertain himself. Billy finds a magical talking Rubik's Cube, which releases the demon Pinface, who has bowling pins in his head. Pinface proceeds to call his minions to conquer Earth, but the minions are more interested in throwing a house party. It is revealed that Grim and Pinface already know each other, and Grim even broke up with Pinface's sister. Billy's father ends up cheating and solves the magical cube by rearranging the stickers, trapping Pinface and his minions inside it again.