Episode Title:Hes Not Dead, Hes My Mascot / Hog Wild.Episode Description:Hes Not Dead, Hes My Mascot: When Billy and Mandy's school is preparing for a big game, Mindy entrusts the care of the school's mascot, Fluffy Cat, to Billy, to protect him from being kidnapped by the rival team, the Booty Heads. At Billy's house, Fluffy Cat is a disaster, so Billy's mom throws him into the basement, where the cat gets inside Grim's trunk, absorbing its powers. A giant Fluffy Cat appears just before the game wreaking havoc and spitting out a furious Mandy who says, "This is why I hate cats".
Hog Wild: As Billy is tired of all the rules in his house, he cannot resist the urge to try his father's new motorcycle. The motorcycle breaks down as soon as Billy touches it, and Billy asks Grim to repair it. Grim's scythe turns the motorcycle into a wild, supernatural vehicle, which transforms Billy's parents and everyone around it into undead creatures and motorized monsters. Mandy makes Billy tell the truth about breaking the motorcycle in the first place, at which point his parents and everyone else return to normal. Billy was, of course, grounded at the end.