Episode Title:Thoughts Fall Short.Episode Description:Naraku transforms after finally feeding his soul to the Shikon Jewel, vastly spreading miasma in the area. As the group exits the large mass of misama, they find themselves over the Bone Eater's Well near Kaede's village. After Naraku's body is destroyed forever by Inuyasha's Meido Zangetsuha and Sesshomaru's Bakusaiga, Kagome pierces the Shikon Jewel with an unusually powerful sacred arrow, dealing his soul a fatal blow. It is learned that Naraku's true wish was Kikyo's heart, a wish that the Shikon Jewel never granted. Miroku's Wind Tunnel vanishes after Naraku's soul has been purified from the material world, but a Meido suddenly opens behind Kagome (created due to Byakuya striking her earlier) and pulls her in along with the well. Kagome finds herself in front of her high school, resuming her normal life with her friends and family, but without any memories of Inuyasha or the others. However, she is bothered by a nagging sense that something is wrong. When she touches the Sacred Tree, her memories return and the spell is broken, but she is then surrounded by darkness. The voice of the Shikon Jewel tells her that she will forever remain there, lest she makes a selfish wish to return to her own time. Meanwhile, Inuyasha uses Meido Zangestuha to jump into the darkness after Kagome. As Inuyasha battles through the demons, he yells to Kagome not to make any wishes yet, since doing so would bound her inside the Shikon Jewel, battling demons for an eternity.