Episode Title:When the Jewel Is Whole.Episode Description:Kohaku successfully drives Magatsuhi out of his body, just as Sesshomaru arrives, using Bakusaiga by destroying Naraku's appendages and then using Tenseiga by cutting Magatsuhi in half, yet still able to escape. When Sesshomaru heads back to the village, Naraku manages to capture Kagome and demands Inuyasha's group gives him Kohaku's jewel shard in exchange for her. Discreetly spotting a sacred arrow on the ground before offering himself to Naraku, Kohaku stabs him in the right shoulder, shattering the turtle shelled armor previously absorb by Moryomaru, prompting Naraku to retreat. Meanwhile, as the Wind Tunnel is close to consuming Miroku, a fragment of Magatsuhi possesses Rin's body to fly off with a demon. After Kokaru reunites with the others, a piece of Naraku's flesh pierces Kohaku's neck and takes the jewel shard, leaving his empty body behind. Luckily, Kohaku is brought back to life by Kikyo's light after her spirit hears Sango crying for him. With the Shikon Jewel now complete in Naraku's hand, the final battle between light and darkness begins.