Episode Title:A Complete Meido.Episode Description:Sesshomaru is approached by the demon Shishinki, who attacks him using a complete Meido Zangetsuha, claiming that Sesshomaru's father stole the technique from him. Shishinki even absorbs Sesshomaru's attempt at doing Meido Zangetsuha. He tauntingly says that Sesshomaru must have been shunned by his father since Tetsusaiga should have belong to Sesshomaru instead of Inuyasha, who butts in the battle until Sesshormaru tells him not to interfere. As the battle continues, Myoga explains to Sesshomaru that his father entrusted him with Tenseiga, already knowing he would be able to fully master the Meido Zangetsuha. Although Shishinki, unleashing multiple attacks of Meido Zangetsuha, doubts this would happen, Sesshomaru proves him wrong by launching a massive complete Meido Zangetsuha, successfully swallowing him in. Inuyasha tries to convince Sesshomaru that Tenseiga is a proper keepsake, but Sesshomaru, before departing with his group, states that they are destined to fight one another for the rest of their lives.