Episode Title:Twintuition.Episode Description:Tuffnut breaks his beloved mace trying to break the Hunters' newest chains, and the twins go to the Hunter-swarmed Northern Markets to replace it. Using their 'twintuition,' the twins follow the repaired and stolen Macey to find a hidden hunter operation called 'Project Shellfire.' Tuffnut, who deeply cares for his mace, tries to take it back on his own, while Ruffnut is captured by Viggo and Ryker to be used as bait for a trap for the others. Tuffnut learns to put the needs of the team before his own and saves the others by sacrificing his Macey and freeing the others. The twins hold a funeral for Macey back on the Edge, where Tuffnut reveals stolen schematics that leave the riders worried for what 'Project Shellfire' entails.