Episode Title:African Lying Society.Episode Description:The episode starts with Duncan elated with Courtney's departure, then comments on Alejandro and Heather's mutual crush, revealed by Blaineley in China. Both try to deny it, but end up speaking in unison, making them seem like a couple all the more. Meanwhile in the first class compartment of the Jumbo Jet, Sierra has started feeding Cody her love-me tea, causing him to go into a physically weakened state. Once the plane lands, Chris welcomes them to Tanzania, home to the Serengeti. Sierra arrives late, carrying Cody in her backpack. She declares that she will be playing for herself and her "husband." Chris introduces the first challenge, which he named "Sock-et To Me." He also points out Chef's punishment for making an illegal alliance with Blaineley: wearing a parka and pants in balmy African heat, dubbed the "Penalty Parka" by Chris...