Episode Title:The Two Faces of Ky Stax.Episode Description:After Maya obtains a Platinum Harrier, the Hiverax challenges them to test their new attack which splits Ky into two, one possessing the thinking ability but is too careful, the other possessing the courage but is reckless. Baoddai tries to combine the Kys back together but lacks the power. On the mission to retrieve a new Kairu deposit, the two Kys could not agree with each other due to their varying characters. Then, the Hiverax arrive and challenges them but the Kys fight against each other instead. When the Hiverax tries to split Maya and Boomer, Maya intercepts the attack with her own, causing the attack to land on the Kys, fusing them back together. With Platinum Harrier and Platinum Froztok, Team Stax beats the Hiverax.