When Taiyo learns about spy licences from Mutsumi and Futaba, he decides to take the exam too. A glitch on Shion's computer resembling a ghost terrifies Futaba, who has a phobia of anything she cannot defeat with martial arts. The entire family must babysit her for 24 hours, even though she keeps panicking at unexplained noises. In private, she tells Taiyo she fears being helpless when her family need her. During the exam, Taiyo is saved from a bounty hunter by Tsukiyo Hoshifuru, a bisexual playboy spy infatuated with Taiyo. During the final, the examinees must collect their licences before the building collapses. The bounty hunter sabotages Taiyo but he is assisted by Hoshifuru, who sacrifices his own victory so Taiyo can continue. Taiyo instead rescues Hoshifuru, who reveals he is actually the chief examiner. For his display of humanity, Taiyo receives his licence while the bounty hunter is disqualified. At home, Futaba punishes Kyoichiro after discovering the noises scaring her were him building secret rooms in the walls to further spy on Mutsumi. Everyone then takes a commemorative photo.