Tinasha cast a spell on Oscar negating any magical or physical attack on him. While walking in the hallway with Lazar, she finds out that all the prince's cousins went missing leaving him as the only royal left. While walking in the hallway, she saves Sylvia from a falling chandelier with her magic who with Kav was lighting the chandelier with their magic. After finishing helping Lazar, Tinasha looked over the window and saw General Als and Meredina sword practicing, Tinasha then came over and practiced with Als. While walking in the hallway of the Castle, Her familiar, Litola, informs her of a surge of magic power in the magical lake in Druza, She asks permission from Oscar to investigate. Once they arrive at the lake, they find out that the Druza Mage, whom master was beheaded by Tinasha is trying to release a demonic beast sealed by her 70 years ago. After mentioning that Tinasha is the Witch of the Azure Moon, the soldiers are shocked by this. He began attacking the soldiers and wounding a few before fleeing. Tinasha again asked the prince to let her fight them and promised him to come back safely. Tinasha fights with the mage and kills him along with the mages trying to remove the seal except one. She removes the seal and tries to kill the beast. The beast bites her before she can cast the final spell after a fierce battle. The prince saw her dragon carrying her severely wounded, the prince called her mages to heal Tinasha. After some time, the mage noted that Tinasha healed herself but with the cost of accelerating her growth as her hair is longer than before.