An Abyss Knight breaks through the barrier. Satou battles the Knight to protect the kingdom but is still too weak. Hime realizes their marriage isn’t enough, overcomes her jealousy, and implores Nephrites to marry Satou. Nephrites shatters her parent’s statues to retrieve their rings, one for herself and the Wind Ring for Satou, causing the barrier to vanish. With two rings the Knight is defeated and revealed to be Smaragdi, Nephrites' aunt who cursed the kingdom, revealed to have been enslaved by the Abyss King with an inferior copy of the Wind Ring. She fully apologizes for her actions. Later, while sharing a bath, Hime attempts to brag about their non-existent sex life to impress Nephrites, which backfires when Peridot joins them to demand details. Hime stubbornly offers Satou sex straight away, but he feels pressured due to Peridot watching and refuses. Alabaster informs Smaragdi her human lover wasn’t murdered, he chose to leave hoping her life would be easier without him being hated by her people, and is now an old man living in another kingdom. Nephrites chooses to go with Satou to see the world. Peridot is revealed to have been one of the original Ring Princesses and wife to the first Ring King hundreds of years ago. Smaragdi realizes her human lover who is now an old man was actually Alabaster himself.