Yuzuki considers apologising to Akemitsu, but runs away when she sees him and Tsukuyo returning home with Akemitsu’s new phone. Akemitsu also considers apologising after Kiki advises him not to forget what is important to him. A family of worshippers move their family grave to another temple and Kiki despairs when Yuzuki does it without charging the fees. Kiki abruptly ends Yuzuki’s training without explanation. Without training, and with Akemitsu doing most of the chores, Yuzuki has nothing to do and despairs she still can’t find a job either. Yuzuki later goes missing during a thunderstorm so Akemitsu runs into the rain to find her. Dizzy from fever Yuzuki remembers her mother successfully running the temple by herself, and fears she has failed. Akemitsu finds her under a bridge and carries her home. After she recovers Akemitsu asks her to stop trying to do everything alone and to let him help. Everyone eavesdropping agrees, they all love Mikazuki temple and will keep it running together. Having learned not to worry about what people think of her Kiki declares Yuzuki has moved closer to Enlightenment and will resume training once her fever improves. Yuzuki quits job searching and decides to repair the idol by requesting donations from worshippers.