In the past, Yuria predicted that if Fred and Leo ever fought, it would be a disaster only Max could stop. In the present, Yuria watches the battle while giving birth to her second child. Max recovers and the three friends vent their frustrations before they fight each other. After a ten-year retirement, Max is drastically out of practice. He considers just giving up but remembers a battle they almost lost against Dragon King Behemoth, until Yuria cast Maximum Drive on Max, an overpower spell that defeated Behemoth in one blow. Having kept a talisman Yuria gave him for emergencies, he is able to cast Maximum Drive on himself and engages Fred and Leo again. Fred realizes the futility of their fight as it will do nothing to stop the war, yet he decides to win the fight anyway. Meanwhile, the Demon Lord recovers in time to stops Fred's spell, allowing Max to claim victory. Before the world media, Max apologizes for the trouble his friends caused and begs the people of both the Kingdom and Republic to figure out a way to end the war peacefully. The Demon Lord watches Max proudly.