With Fitz's secret now known to Rudeus, Ariel pressures her to reveal her identity to him. However, Fitz is still uncertain if Rudeus remembers her as Sylphie, so Ariel and Luke come up with a plan to help jog Rudeus' memory. Later, Fitz invites Rudeus to accompany her to gather a rare flower deep in the forest despite it being the middle of winter. Rudeus agrees and the pair travel into the forest. Fitz then secretly casts a spell to cause it to rain, soaking both her and Rudeus before they can reach shelter inside a cave. Rudeus strips off his wet clothes to avoid hypothermia and advises Fitz to do the same, but Fitz insists that Rudeus strip her instead. Rudeus complies and recognizes her as Sylphie, much to her relief. Now properly reunited with Rudeus, Sylphie admits that she has fallen in love with him.