Fitz continues to feel jealous how Rudeus is spending most of his time assisting in Nanahoshi's experiments now, but remains too afraid to reveal her identity to him. One year after enrolling in the university, Rudeus notices that the other students are in awe of him thanks to the reputation he had built up defeating Fitz, Linia, Pursena, and Badigadi, but turns down suggestions to take a leadership role. Later, he receives an invitation from Soldat to attend a clan reunion. After the reunion, he parts with Elinalise and Cliff, who plan to do some adventuring to give Cliff experience. After meeting Fitz again in town and in the library, Rudeus realizes that he has romantic feelings for Fitz, and begins to have doubts that Fitz is male. During another meeting in the library, Fitz accidentally falls on top of Rudeus, and he is able to confirm that she is in fact female. Fitz flees in embarrassment and Rudeus realizes that for a brief moment, he felt an erection. Now knowing Fitz's true sex and that she holds the key to curing his impotence, Rudeus decides to start a relationship with her.