Luciel arrives at Holy City and goes to the local Adventurers Guild where he terrifies everyone by asking for three barrels of Substance-X. At the Church he is met by Father Granhart who is his new supervisor and also Lumina who commands the Churches all female security, the Valkyrie Paladins. Granhart agrees to discuss Luciel’s concern over healer corruption with his fellow priests. He also informs Luciel he has been promoted to a Deacon Exorcist. Lumina informs him he will be working in the crypts under the church which, due to the number of magic users buried there, turned itself into a labyrinth some years ago with undead that must be culled regularly to stop them escaping. Exorcist Geordo shows Luciel the labyrinth and how to purify undead before quickly leaving, unable to stand the stench of dead bodies. Luciel is unaffected as it still smells better than Substance-X. Luciel figures out a faster way of purifying without having to recite a spell every time by applying the spell to weapons. By the end of the day he successfully reaches the second floor.