Rumours spread Mia has a boyfriend after classmates see her with Akemitsu. Akemitsu visits with her forgotten bento, so she hides him in the infirmary, then when her friends almost see him hides him under the blanket with his face in her breasts. He overhears Mia recently quit archery club. It transpires Mia started archery to be close to Yuzuki but quit when Yuzuki quit, though Akemitsu suspects she wants to start again. Mia admits she enjoys archery but felt guilty enjoying herself while Yuzuki had to quit over worrying about the temple. Akemitsu shows her Yuzuki still practices in private, but is terrible at archery which is the real reason she quit, not the temple. With no reason to feel guilty Mia considers re-joining her club. She asks why Akemitsu keeps helping her and he admits he is sympathetic as his family circumstances also stopped him doing what he wanted with his life. Mia reveals during the infirmary incident he left a hickey on her breast and so gets revenge by writing “Perv-gami” on his face. The next day she deliberately forgets her bento, then when Akemitsu delivers it she tells her friends he is not her boyfriend, but he is part of her family. Akemitsu is glad to see her smiling as she re-joins archery club.