Casserole is short of money for repairs to his lands following the bandit invasion. As his sister Josephine is almost old enough to marry Pastry has a brilliant idea. Nobles arranging marriages for their children travel extensively so their children can meet potential spouses. As travel is expensive Pastry suggests replicating images of their children’s faces. These “matchmaking pictures” can be sent back and forth by messenger cheaper than people travelling for weeks and are a guaranteed commercial success. Casserole and Pastry visit Countess Brioche, a shrewd politician. She serves tea and sweet biscuits to impress them with her wealth, yet is confused when Pastry clearly dislikes them and completely thrown off balance when it is Pastry, not Casserole, who mentions her failure to eradicate the bandits. Catching her in several lies Pastry expertly manipulates Brioche into admitting responsibility and paying compensation for the damage to Casserole’s lands. Accepting defeat Brioche asks what was wrong with her biscuits and is surprised at his answer; the biscuits were actually too sugary and not a good match for the flavour of tea. Brioche decides Pastry might be worth keeping an eye on and is amazed by his gift of a replicated picture of her.