Morobushi runs up the stairs of his house, which is engulfed in flames, as Furuya, Hagiwara, Date, and Matsuda try to stop him--! The story goes back three hours earlier. The five had been caught by Onizuka, the instructor, and ordered to clean the bathtub. While they were cleaning the bathtub, they saw the information on the copier about the girl who was reported missing last night. Morobushi had seen the girl in town and had received a picture of her. The topic naturally came up during the cleaning, but Morobushi was reluctant to go into details, saying only that she looked just like a girl he used to play with as a child. Morobushi was afraid that someone else might get involved, but the four of them all said in unison, "We're not going to die!" Morobushi was encouraged by their words. Encouraged by this, Morobushi began to talk about an incident he had encountered in the past...