As the match begins, Don Kama boasts to Takumi that he had his men kidnap Isami to prevent him from being able to participate. The match then begins without Isami as both teams are told to create an amuse-bouche dish. Don Kama and his helpers produce a multi-layered verrine set that impresses the judges with how impactful the taste is despite being incredibly light. Don Kama reveals that he used special grooved shakers to create flavored foam that served as the base for the verrines. Megumi then summons Soma, who agrees to take Isami's place as Takumi's partner. Thanks to the many shokugekis they challenges each other to in the past year, both Soma and Takumi become an effective team and create a verrine based on cheese and softshell turtle meat with kaki-no-tane to regulate the taste. The judges are impressed at Takumi and Soma's ability to fuse two opposing tastes and declare them the winners. Kuga and Satoshi rescue Isami and reunite him with Takumi. Defeated, Don Kama gives Asahi his shaker. Afterwards, Soma and his friends find out that Erina was the chef taking on the gauntlet of revenge matches much to their shock. When informed of Erina's success in the revenge matches, the Bookmaster muses that the God Tongue has no place in the tournament.