When the Moon Festival begins, Kuga's restaurant immediately gets a long line of customers, while Soma manages to impress the few he is getting. The booths run by Isshiki and the Polar Star Dormitory, the Don RS and Ikumi, and the Aldini brothers all seem to be doing well. By the end of the day, Kuga's restaurant is first place in sales in the Central area, and the only two booths that lost money were Soma's and the Shiomi Seminar's, leaving Erina appalled. Day 2 passes and Kuga's restaurant takes first place again, while Soma manages to climb up five rungs from last place with the introduction of a noodle dish created by slicing up the dough for the Hujiao bing into noodles and pairing them with garlic, shrimp stock, and ground pork filling. Meanwhile, Alice decides to start over and cooperate with Hayama to make a dish that will satisfy customers.