For the next five days, Lamplight works together to try and ambush Klaus, but with little success as he easily thwarts their plots. Eventually, the team starts to get frustrated until Lily suggest they actually try investigating Klaus' background. Meanwhile, Klaus is briefed by his superior C that the Galgad Empire stole a sample of a deadly bioweapon from the Din Republic called Abyss Doll, and the Impossible Mission is to retrieve the sample before the Galgad Empire can reverse engineer it. Klaus then returns to Lamplight and comes clean with them, revealing that he is a member of Team Inferno, the Din Republic's best spy team. However, the rest of Inferno was killed trying to retrieve Abyss Doll, and he accepted the mission in order to avenge them. Lamplight, having already learned of his connection to Inferno and inspired by his resolve, agree to follow Klaus. The team then infiltrates the Galgad Empire to collect information on the Endry Lab where Abyss Doll is stored. The night before the mission, Lamplight invite Klaus to attend a party so they call relieve their built up stress. Klaus arrives to find the girls asleep, and he remembers a lesson he was taught where a person willing to sleep in front of another is a sign of ultimate trust. Klaus once again swears to get the entire team home safely. The next night, Lamplight and Klaus prepare to infiltrate Endry to retrieve Abyss Doll.