Alexis stays behind to face Yuri, while Sora sets off a cage so that Yusho, Declan, and Riley can move on ahead. Using an Ancient Gear deck awarded to honorable students for the first time, Yuri brings out Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon. Alexis manages to take control of it and destroy Yuri's Polymerization cards. Alexis corners Yuri and offers her friendship to him. Yuri reveals that he initially duels not only for himself, but he also duels to please Leo. However, Yuri no longer cares for Leo's goal and decides to card every person in all the dimensions for his own entertainment. Yuri admits that he lied about not knowing the deck and has added his own card into the deck as he uses Super Polymerization to summon Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem to defeat Alexis and turns her into a card. Yuri prepares to duel Sora.