Yuya, Roget, and the High Council all recount from their perspective the events that occurred following the Lancers' arrival in New Domino City. Meanwhile, as Dennis evades capture, Roget activates his plan, Operation: King's Gambit. Roget uses microchips to take control of all the Sector Security officers and hold the High Council along with Declan captive. Roget announces his plans to make New Domino City his own personal kingdom. Elsewhere, Dennis is recovered by Sora. Sora sends Dennis back to the Fusion Dimension and takes over his mission. At Duel Academy, Leo prepares to send Barrett, Yuri, and the Obelisk Force to recover Zuzu and Celina. Unaware of any of this, Yuya and Zuzu prepare for the second round of the Friendship Cup, where Zuzu is set to face off against Sergey Volkov.