Putting aside the mystery as to why Julia considers Shay an ally, Zuzu begins her duel against Julia. After Julia summons her Gem-Knight Master Diamond, Zuzu shows the results of her training and Fusion summons Schuberta the Melodious Maestra. Zuzu manages to defeat Julia's monster and banish one of her Fusion spell cards from the duel. However, Julia brings out her true ace, Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond, to destroy Melodious Maestra and put Zuzu on the defensive. Staking her duel on Julia's pride as a Fusion user, Zuzu manages to survive Julia's attack and Fusion summons Bloom Diva the Melodious Choir. She manages to stop Julia from obtaining an Action Card that would let her stop the attack and wins the duel. Afterwards, Julia gives Zuzu one of her monsters and encourages her to win the tournament.