Yuya summons Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and overlays it with Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon to Xyz Summon Odd-Eyes Rebellion Dragon, using it to wipe out the Obelisk Force. Afterwards, Gong steps in to protect Yuya from a falling pillar, sending Aura to get Reed and Trout to hold him down. When they do so, Yuya starts to freak out. Using her fortune telling ability, Aura deduces there are two souls residing in Yuya's body with a third dark presence growing alongside them. After coming to his senses and learning about what he did from the others, Yuya suspects that Yuto has somehow become a part of him. Meanwhile, as Yugo shows up somewhere nearby, Zuzu speaks with Celina, questioning if she truly understands what Duel Academy is doing to the Xyz Dimension. Deciding that Celina should speak with Shay to get the full story, Zuzu swaps clothes with her so she can go find him, while Yuri appears before Dennis.