Hazama meets a lecturer, Maruo Hyakki, a quadruple amputee, who was originally one of the surgeons who operated on him alongside Dr. Honma. Reference is made to the story of Dororo and Hyakkimaru by Osamu Tezuka in which Hyakkimaru lacked 48 parts of his body which was given to demons. Hazama learns of Hyakki's unfortunate fate, his research in advanced mechanical prostheses, and his plans to return as a surgeon. Hyakki wants to have the new prostheses implanted on his body, but can't find anyone willing, and so Hazama risks his future career by offers to do it himself. The surgery is successful and Hyakki proceeds to rebuild his reputation, gaining a request to do an operation by his former institution, Teito University. However, the plan is cancelled after being sabotaged by the circulation of photographs of him carrying out an autopsy wearing his prostheses. Shaken, Hyakki goes to bid his friend professor Takara goodbye, only to overhear him talking with Professor Tano indicating they were behind the sabotage.